Sunday, September 23, 2007

Madeline, Jena 6 and O.J. Simpson

Honestly, I am tired of giving excuses as if I am the only with so much going on in her life. Henceforth, I will jut put up a bold face when i have taken a long break from blogging or even visiting favorite blogsites...

There has been just so much I wanted to write about but never got round to doing anything...I am almost ending up like the people I counsel and tell not to just think of doing it but go ahead and take some action.

Madeline Mcain
First I wanted to express my shock and continuous disbelief that Madeline Mcain's parents have anything to do with her disappearance. If this is proven, I am sure to lose all faith in human race (not that I have that much faith)...I am one of the people who believe that the police have not been able to solve this and are just looking for something to hang on. It has to be. Does anyone think differently? How come this issue is even showing up on my blogsite among everything else that I want to talk about? I guess, I am greatly puzzled by the recent or rather the last turn out of events in this matter.

Jena 6
Secondly, I have been very worried about the Jena 6...the six black high school students imprisoned and facing trial for 'attempted murder' of a white boy...yes indeed. The events leading up to the beating now renamed "attempted murder" is most disturbing. Can you imagine in the year 2007 that there is a tree in a school that only 'white boys can sit on'... wonders will never end I tell you!!! The things that still go on in America are mind boggling and they want to solve the problem of the rest of the world when they have not even been able to resolve their domestic about freedom and defence of freedom.

I like President bush no matter what anyone says but to think that there is something like this going on in the US in this year and age and he is busy defending democracy and freedom of mankind in middle east (he has very little interest in Africa...) is something that he should stop and ponder...guys tell me where to send advise to so that he can see what I really think about this Jena 6 issue.

O.J Simpson
How much and how far can a man be a fool. I really do not want to call any man made by God a fool but Oj sure qualifies now really. How can O.J whom the whole of America (which is equal to the whole world in the eyes of americans) think that he is guilty ever imagine that he can play the last joke on himself and get away with it. Without joining any school of thought, I think he is a fool. How could he walk into such set up? I am waiting to see how this unfolds. They have been lurking around him waiting for him to even sneeze with the wrong nose so that he can be jailed then he had the guts to play some pranks with or without gun...although no one has said he was carrying any gun yet but some one in his gang group had 'weapon'. Not only did he put focus on himself recently with "If I did it" book which reopened wounds in people's mind and soul...he now decided to act like a high school boy. If you ask me, something is really wrong with the guy.

Now that I have ranted off all the things that I have been thinking about that are all problems of "the world" maybe I can now focus on my own issues. Tii hee!!!


For the love of me said...

Nothing surprises me anymore.There's still so much racism in America,its frightening but what scares me more is tribalism back in our own country. where then does one start from to fight these battles?

Anonymous said...

Humans still remain the creatures least understood by other humans :-D

Been a while...